For the third time in a row, the AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter received a recognition in the category of the "Outstanding Student Chapter Award" that seeks to recognize student chapters that show an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, quality, professionalism and involvement in the university and community. During the "2018 Student Awards Ceremony" hold on October 28, 2018, as part of the "2018 Annual Student Conference" organized by AIChE in Pittsburgh, PA, USA from October 26 to 29, members of our student chapter, including Mayra Bejarano - President 2017 - 2018, received the recognition (see photo).
Members of AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter receiving the Outstanding Student Chapter Award 2017-2018.
Plaque awarded in recognition to AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter for the activities carried out during the period 2017 - 2018.
This award was given to us along with 27 other AIChE student chapters, among which was our sister chapter: the AIChE Student Chapter of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the AIChE UNAL Bogotá Student Chapter (see photos).
Representative of the AIChE Student Chapter of the University of Michigan together with his advisor, Professor Scott Fogler, and members of the AIChE UNAL Bogotá Student Chapter, present at the 2018 Annual Student Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
On the other hand, Jefferson Quiroz Fabra, President 2016 - 2017 of the AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter, received the scholarship "ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest Travel Award, Chevron" to go to the 2018 Annual Student Conference in recognition of an essay on one of the topics proposed by the corporate sponsors of AIChE, in this case Chevron.
Jefferson Quiroz Fabra receiving the ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest Travel Award, Chevron in the 2018 Student Awards Ceremony.
In addition, the AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter participated for the first time in the ChemE Jeopardy Competition, becoming the first student chapter of Colombia to do so. Four of our members, faced the representatives of the chapters of the University of Idaho and the University of Iowa, winners of the regional competitions hold in the Pacific Northwest Region, USA and the Mid Atlantic Region, USA, respectively. Although our team did not pass the Preliminary Round Matchups, it was an honor and a pride to participate and to have representation at the 2018 Annual Student Conference (see photos).
In the first photo, from left to right, we can observe: Luis Francisco Vallejo Molina, Dana Andrea Sánchez Gossaín, Isabela Sofía Correa Cardona and Daniel Eduardo Garzon Otero, students of Chemical Engineering of the National University of Colombia, Sede Medellín, and the representatives of the AIChE UNAL - Med Student Chapter at the 2018 Annual Student Conference for the ChemE Jeopardy Competition.
Finally, during the 2018 Annual Student Conference, our sister chapter of the University of Michigan, hold a workshop on how to cultivate the relationship between the sister chapters, sharing their experience with us. Click here to download the presentation.
Click here to see more photos of the 2018 Student Awards Ceremony and click here to learn more about the 2018 Annual Student Conference.